DEC 2004: We came and promised to start a grouping, an association that live to serve, to enjoy and to develop holistically. We planned, executed and now evaluate and reflect.
JAN 2005: Our first task in hand-- CCA Orientation. We came back, brainstormed and help to promote scouting among the new interns of the school. It was a competition between the other CCA groups to fight to get the best cohort they can ever recruit. It was tough and we managed to got ours. (new scouts) But that was just the beginning. =)
FEB 2005: Alas, we were invested officially as the first batch of ventures in Manjusri History. Honoured and proud were we, we pledged to bring scouting to a new level. Some got to wear the full uniform for the first time. Everyone was just fascinated. Later in FEB, we celebrated Founder's Day with the million others around the globe. Feel honoured to be part of this near century-old tradition.
MAR 2005: Our first ever fund raising project- manual car wash donation drive. We were supposed to clean the teachers' cars in school. An entirely new thing that was introduced in Mjr. Although it was the first time, we raised quite a bit of money. Hope we can get better support from the teachers 2006.. The next day, we went knocking on people's door for "room service" (lol what am i saying) actually we are asking for any job to do...(for job week)
APR 2005: VENTURE LEADERSHIP COURSE (VLC) which only 4 of us attended was a very intriguing and enriching. We learnt more on how the EXCo manages the unit and about the roles of each member in the EXCO. We also formed EXCos and planned, execute a project at district level. (I think this course is abit screwed up - not on our part) In general it was fun but mentally torturing, it was a course that all ventures should attend. Demanding but a good experience for me though, making new friends and learning new style of leadership, games.

JUN 2005: Annual Training Camp (for scouts) We were called down to help conduct some games& activities for the scouts. The games that we planned (frankly speaking) were 'fun' for us not the scouts and I feel that better games should be implemented during the next training camp. Unfortunately due to some last minute matters (not worth mentioning), some activities did not went smoothly. We stayed up late at night to paint the backdrop and did some prep. stuff for the coming campfire.
JUL 2005: Yay, finally the event of the year-- Scout and guides combined campfire 2005. A well-planned one compared to the camp. I still remember everyone of us hastily trying to meet targets and deadlines as well as to endure the scorching sun and some irritating unco-operative people. I would say all of us displayed good leadership, endurance, initiative and team spirit to the very last minute. Seeing the results of our labour was pleasant to the eue and soul. Everything was almost ready and what was left was the grand show. 1830: The dark blue cloudy sky was smiling at us-- the whole event was at the mercy of the weather. It wasn't good then with dense clouds hovering above us. It was lucky (since we placed chilli all over the campfire circle) No Rain, no vain... The programme ran according to plan but it was a little too abrupt earlier than expected. Some groups did not turn up at the last minute. Never mind lesson learnt. Nevertheless the campfire was a SUCCESS!!! Excellent work guys and gals!! (no pic sorry)

AUG 2005: Arrr... the first outdoor activity organised by our SL Song Wei Sir and VSL Raymond sir at Dairy Farm (Bt Timah S'pore) It was my 1st time climbing a natural cliff and rock climbing is never my specialty. >> It was a hot and breezy day - good day to climb. We prepared ourselves and shortly we began climbing. Not much of a problem at beginning but at midpoint, fatigue sets in. Because of all the stretching of your muscles and all that awkward stances...climbed on. Now I reached the final phase -you are on your own now. Physically worn, wobbling feet, slippery and jittery hands made it even tougher for further climbing. (plus a manoeure is needed to climb on the cliff-like top ) And finally i conquered the top after more than half an hour of torment. After I was belayed down, we moved to abseiling, down a wall of 8 storeys high. Agrophobia? Anyway it was fun.
OCT & NOV 2005: (Preparing for my promo exams- study break- no activity)
DEC 2005: 2005 EXCo disbanded. 2006 EXCO elected headed by me again (some ppl not happy i noe ok)
Hope that the new Blood of everlasting enthusiastic spirit can keep the scouting flame burning; igniting the scouting spirit to a higher level.
Embrace yourself in the essence of scouting, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
Be Prepared and Look Wide
(That's my 2005 venturing experience what's yours?)
Wish you cuttie babes and dashin' hunks out there a merry christmas and a happy new year.
2006 will be a very, extremely tough year for me since I got to handle 4 A level subjects, train for my shooting 4 times a week cos I in school team, so I won't be back to see you all too often. Anyway hope the unit can function in my absence under the charge of my assistant. Don't worry too much ok. =) Ervin
Err.. is Lydia changing the blog skin? Can confirm this? thanks.
gd luck to the ventures of 2006...hope that there will be more activities that will enrich u guys!!! May the Scouting Light burn brightly!!!
hmm.. i not sure.. cox dunno wanna change till wad still.. but if ya have a skin in mind u can change de.. =)
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